Art direction:
Joanne Almayah & Renata Taffarel
Concept, refinement,
final vector version
final vector version
We were tasked with creating a mascot for Coveo Labs, an initiative within the main Coveo.com site, where the R&D team could publish
their experiments and new features. The objective was to create a friendly, joyful mascot, who felt energetic, sleek, yet not overly childish
in appearance.
their experiments and new features. The objective was to create a friendly, joyful mascot, who felt energetic, sleek, yet not overly childish
in appearance.
Concept refinement
We settled on the robot instead of a science beaker, as we wanted to emphasize the powerful AI feature of the Coveo platform.

Reference and Inspiration

Concept refinement

Translucency tests

Logo placement tests

Initial render

Final design, and material notes
3d Rendering and in-situ

3d Renders by William Payette

3d rendering and video editing by William Payette